Date: 3/3–3/8 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Venue: Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, 4th Floor, Booth N0114
DaShiang Automation, in collaboration with ITRI, is set to unveil cutting-edge AI-powered surface finishing solutions at the 2025 TIMTOS Machine Tool Exhibition.
The spotlight will be on two high-performance systems: the RWH-3DF and the RTH-2TP. The RWH-3DF is engineered for efficient polishing of small workpieces, while the RTH-2TP is ideal for managing complex large workpieces. Both systems are optimized with AI for real-time adjustments and feature voice interaction capabilities, setting a new standard for productivity and process stability in surface finishing
Join us to experience the future of manufacturing automation, designed to drive efficiency and innovation in every industry.
活動時間:3/3 – 3/8 10:00-18:00
活動地點:南港展覽館一館4樓 攤位號碼:N0114
達詳自動化攜手工研院於 TIMTOS 工具機展首推AI智能最佳化表面處理解決方案,展示 RWH-3DF 與 RTH-2TP 兩大系統。 RWH-3DF 適合小型工件高效研磨,RTH-2TP則針對大型工件靈活處理複雜結構,結合AI技術提供即時優化與語音互動功能,提升生產效率與穩定性。